5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (May 21)
1. Where Do We Go From Here?
Shinsuke Nakamura has been getting one over on 'King' Corbin for a few weeks now. He stole his crown, beat him and is now playing the numbers game against the heel by introducing a new ally. In short, there isn't much scope for this story to really go anywhere other than down.
Heel revenge from Corbin would be an unsatisfying end.
Rick Boogz/Boogs (some sites are spelling it differently, presumably due to Rick's old kayfabe surname "Bugez") vs. Corbin could be a neat way to introduce the electric guitar-playing newbie as an in-ring act, but how far would that stretch things? The answer is...not very far.
Sadly, this could end up being one of those dreaded 'On A Pole' situations at HIAC or something. WWE might hang the crown high above the ring and get two 'Kings' to joust over it. That'd keep the string of weird gimmick matches going ("Nigerian Drum Fight" and zombie lumberjacks).