5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 17 - Results & Review)

2. One For The (WCW) Cruiserweights!

Axiom Dragon Lee

There was a slick and welcome old-school WCW Cruiserweight division vibe to Dragon Lee vs. Axiom that just worked. It was also a hoot to see the live crowd sit on their hands at first, but then warm to both guys the longer their match went on. That bodes well for both Dragon, and for Axiom if he's to turn this into something bigger.

Winning the bout means Lee has taken another step in the right direction. Of course, he will need some actual story long-term to keep momentum high. This writer is repeating himself there, but it's true. Story and characterisation is king in this company. Without it, wrestlers working good matches means little.

Just the way it is.

Both Lee and Axiom can be proud of their efforts regardless. Let's hope this isn't the last time they lock horns on TV either. WWE could even squeeze a PLE battle out of this if they ever feel the urge. A good 15-20 mins in the opening slot would get a live crowd's energy up, for example.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.