5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 27 - Results & Review)

3. Chemistry For Days

John Cena Solo Sikoa Paul Heyman

John Cena and Paul Heyman were f*cking stunning on the mic there.

The way Cena let fans rally behind him by showing fragility was expert-level promo work. This definitely wasn't "Super Cena". It was an ageing veteran who's self-aware enough to realise his best days are behind him, and that has captured people's hearts. Vulnerable John = the way to go from now on.

Heyman's manipulative crap, which reared its ugly head deeper into the segment, was temporarily shelved so he could earnestly praise Cena for a Hall Of Fame career. At one point, Paul seemed legit disturbed that John bloody Cena (of all people) could be standing mid-ring doubting himself.

That was all a ruse to soften up Cena for Solo Sikoa's attack. What a wonderful piece of business from beginning to end this was. Cena's humanity, Heyman's honesty that quickly turned back to manipulation, and Solo's brutality sold the coming Crown Jewel match brilliantly.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.