5 Ups & 4 Downs For AEW Collision (May 25 - Results & Review)

1. Four Minutes Of In-Ring For The Women

AEW Collision Leyla Hirsch Mariah May

Mariah May is one of the most talented women on the AEW roster, and 'Legit' Leyla Hirsch is always a favourite of your writer for her fearless, no-nonsense persona and array of suplexes, strikes, and submissions. However, May vs. Hirsch has to unfortunately fall on the Downs side of this article.

Sure, we had a fantastic in-ring promo from Willow Nightingale and solid promos from Toni Storm and Serena Deeb, but this was yet another AEW episode that gave short in-ring shrift to its ladies. Across this two-hour Collision, we had one seven-minute women's match which spent three of those minutes in a picture-in-picture break.

Four minutes of properly televised ladies wrestling on a two-hour broadcast is absolutely ridiculous here in 2024, especially when considering just how stacked the AEW women's roster is. And yes, it's painful to write about this nearly every single Collision, but it's something that has to be called out each and every time.

Mariah May and Leyla Hirsch did fine - May getting the win with her running knee - but what sort of impression can you really expect these two to make with just four minutes on the standard TV broadcast?

I'd say "Do better, Tony", but it's clear such sentiments are wasted on someone who seems to have such contempt for letting his hugely talented female roster wrestle on TV.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.