5 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Dec 16)

3. The Problem With This

Jamie Hayter Britt Baker Rebel Hikaru Shida

Hikaru Shida cleaning house then working a staredown angle with Jamie Hayter ahead of their AEW Women's Title match on Dynamite is all well and good. Hikaru Shida blasting Britt Baker and Rebel with a kendo stick then throwing that weapon away isn't.

Even JR pointed out how silly that was.

Worse, the kendo ended up in Hayter's hands and she just waved it around like a pointer at Shida. Why didn't the heels regroup, realise they had the upper hand, then hit the ring to kick the sh*t out of Jamie's next challenger? That would've made total sense. At least tease it!

AEW has previous with this sort of illogical booking. Wrestlers storm the ring with a weapon, then immediately give up that advantage by chucking it over the ropes before catching a beatdown. Hayter, Britt and Rebel should've hammered Shida for her foolishness here.

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AEW Rampage
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