5 Ups & 4 Downs From Last Night's Impact Wrestling (Jun 14)
4. Definition Of A Nothing Match
A term that's often thrown around when matches aren't that great is 'nothing match'. That term is something that perfectly describes the one this week between Cody Deaner and Raj Singh. The rivalry that's been brewing so far hasn't been that bad - sadly, the same cannot be said for whatever they wanted to achieve here.
For starters, the bout was incredibly short. In order to get more out of these potentially breakout characters, they need to get the screentime. Then, there's the fact that Cousin Jake attacked both Rohit Raju and Gama Singh at ringside. Nothing wrong with that fact per sé, but rather what followed. Gama feigned a heart attack which, for whatever reason, distracted Cody long enough for Rohit to pounce on him with a knee strike to lead to a victory for Raj.
Overall, the rivalry that's here isn't a major problem. In fact, it's great because it gives the guys involved something to do. However, they need much more time to tell a story so that it's not just a rivalry for the sake of having a rivalry. We could be seeing future World Tag Team Champions here.