5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE NXT (Aug 12)

4. The Fireball

Keith Lee Fireball

Controversy time.

There are some fans who'd have this fireball lunacy as their main 'Down'. Some folks just despise angles like this, but your writer isn't one of them. This is a dude who grew up watching The Undertaker shoot lightning out of his fingertips, after all, so OTT, superpower nonsense is welcome provided it's sparse.

Keith Lee's oversell, whilst predictably cheesy (what else was he supposed to do?), did get enough focus from the cameras to make it meaningful. Mauro Ranallo seemed legit shocked that Karrion Kross and Scarlett would stoop that low, and the fiery stunt added some menace to the latter's importance to her man.

One thing WWE must be careful of is moving swiftly on from this next week. If Keith isn't still selling the effects seven days later, then this will seem pointless. Also, he could've done with some instant scarring to sell the heat of the thing.

Still, it was good fun.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.