5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE NXT (Aug 12)

3. Mia Yim's Concern

Mia Yim

Above, you'll see Mia Yim flashing a brief smile after overcoming Indi Hartwell. That grin didn't last long - WWE's official photo gallery from NXT didn't show it, but Yim quickly went back to wearing a depressed, concerned look for Keith Lee. That's an expression she bounced into the match wearing.

It made sense.

Yim came out looking like a pure pro who was able to put personal stuff to one side, get through her business and then return to real life. Credit must also go to Beth Phoenix for tying in her own worries for Edge earlier this year, and for sympathising with what Mia might've been going through.

Of course, the Lee stuff was never presented as career-threatening, but a fireball is a fireball and should be treated as dangerous. The only minor regret here is that WWE's producers didn't follow up with Yim tending to Lee back at the hospital, or something like that.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.