5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (1 July - Results & Review)

1. An Insanely Fun Main Event

Ilja Dragunov Drew McIntyre

Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus vs. Ilja Dragunov was always going to be a scorcher. There's a reason why people salivated over the graphic when WWE posted it on social media. Say what you want about some wrestling fans online, but one thing's true: Folks know a banging match when they see one on paper.

Raw's main event delivered, and then some.

Everybody got time to shine. Special mention must go to Dragunov, 'cause this could've been a tricky spot for him so early into his main roster run. Ilja showed he can hang with two of the best, and you just know Triple H will give him a pat on the back for that behind the curtain. This bodes real well for the former NXT man's future on Mondays.

McIntyre advancing to Money In The Bank possibly gives CM Punk another chance to screw him over. If 'Ill Phil' isn't healed up in time for Saturday, then at least Drew's star power lends itself to the men's ladder match. Boston loved this main event regardless. It was physical as hell, and the right guy went over.

Snug wrestling + credible top stars + a fledgling star with everything to prove + an invested live crowd = victory.

What did you think of this week's WWE Raw? For more like this, check out Wild Sh*t Wrestling Did You’ve TOTALLY Forgotten About and 50 Worst WCW Moments Ever!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.