5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (1 July - Results & Review)

2. Bron "Breakks" Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn Bron Breakker

Sami Zayn and Bron Breakker worked the best in-ring verbal showdown on Raw by far. Part of the reason why this worked? Neither got too long-winded, and then Bron (the chasing challenger with the world at his feet) got straight to the point by preferring physicality over more talking. That, dear readers, is called playing to someone's strengths.

That isn't a dig at Breakker's promo skills. Not at all. He holds his own on the mic, but knows physical actions are his trump card. Bron put Sami over for having guts, but said agreeing to an Intercontinental Title defence at MITB shows the babyface has no idea what's coming. That set the table for Zayn to run with his savvy veteran rant.

Sami pointed out that a thousand wrestlers have threatened to wreck him. Some have, but he keeps putting himself back together. Breakker answered that with an explosive spear, then tried to hit another at ringside. The way Zayn deftly dodged that by leapfrogging Bron was awesome.

The MITB match is going to rule, and this was perfect set up for it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.