5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (July 24)

1. Not As Heated As It Needed To Be?

Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes was placed in another tough spot when trying to keep the Brock Lesnar feud rolling without Brock there. He managed that successfully approx a fortnight ago, but here? Not so much. Rhodes' in-ring promo said nothing new and didn't even reveal a stipulation for their SummerSlam rubber match.

If anything, Cody maybe should've been a bit more animated instead of calm and collected. Lesnar ambushed him in front of his mother, for crying out loud, and the importance of family has been the crux of Rhodes' quest since returning to WWE. Here, he shook that off like it was nothing.

Why book it then?!

Yours truly was looking forward to a p*ssed off, fire-breathing version of Cody when the announcers teased his appearance. It didn't come. Instead, Rhodes repeated many of the same things he's been saying for a while now, and wasn't sweating Brock one bit.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.