5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (14 Feb)

3. Hulk Hogan Wasn't There In Person

Hulk Hogan SmackDown

Brother, dude, brother, brother, dude, dude, dude, brother.

That was the kind of chat fans expected from Hulk Hogan's first WWE appearance in months, but the old stager wasn't even there in person on this week's SmackDown to run through his dialogue. Instead, much like Goldberg last week, Mr. Hulkamania appeared via satellite from his Beach Shop in Florida.

Fans in Vancouver were audibly disappointed when Hulk showed up on the big screen rather than inside the ring; he might not be the most popular legend in wrestling circles these days, but Hogan is still a pop to see live. WWE didn't give the BC fans that kind of thrill on Friday night. They were robbed of some in-person fun here.

On one hand, it makes sense that WWE wouldn't fly in guys like Goldberg and Hulk for short promo segments each week. On the other, it makes a mockery of their own hype when they don't. The company never make it clear enough that stars are appearing via video link.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.