5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (14 Feb)

2. Dolph Muscles In On Mandy

Otis Dolph Ziggler Mandy Rose

If your heart didn't break along with Otis' when he spotted Dolph Ziggler getting cosy with his Valentine's Day date Mandy Rose, then you've got ice running through those veins. As much as this was yet more soap opera fare on an episode rammed with it, it did develop some characters and reveal that there's way more to this story.

You didn't think they were gonna' live happily ever after, did you?

Look on the bright side. First, Mandy didn't seem too happy to see Dolph crash her date when he showed up. Second, Ziggler and Otis will have some damn good matches together in the run-up to WrestleMania, and that's exactly what the Heavy Machinery man needs. Dolph can bump around for him and ease Otis into a singles run.

Everyone came out of this looking good, and that's been the case throughout this entire unlikely love story. Otis got his feelings hurt, Rose didn't exactly out herself as a frosty-hearted bitch and Ziggler looked like a total jerk by stealing someone else's seat at the table.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.