5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (April 14)
4. Shinsuke The…Squash Match Machine?

Something felt off about Shinsuke Nakamura squashing Madcap Moss like a bug in just 90 seconds. This is the same Madcap who went toe-to-toe with fearsome Intercontinental Champ GUNTHER a while back, but he looked like f'n Barry Horowitz here, and it was all rather unnecessary.
Shin doesn't really suit squashes like this either. He's the kind of wrestler fans expect to see work for his victories, so watching him run straight over the top of Moss was oddly unsatisfying. It certainly doesn't help that Nakamura's next opponent, Karrion Kross, is completely directionless these days too.
It's hard to get amped up for that match, or view Naka as the kind of dude who should be whipping fools like he's 1990s Bill Goldberg. Kinda sucks to see Madcap fall so far too, especially when he looked promising just last year.