5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (April 14)

3. Rewards Are Important

LA Knight Xavier Woods

Speaking of workers who are tumbling down the pecking order.

So, here's a recap. LA Knight made the most of his mini-feud vs. Bray Wyatt by excelling on the mic and making himself relevant. Since then, he's received some great responses from live crowds, and has managed to connect with the core audience. His reward? This.

LA has now lost two matches to Xavier Woods (one of which lasted two minutes), and they've been feuding over the fact that Knight broke Xavier's PS5 controller. If, "THEY'RE FEUDING OVER A PS5 CONTROLLER" signs don't start popping up in arenas, then there's no justice in this world.

Seriously though, what are we doing here? Knight is clearly talented, clearly capable and fans respond to him, but he's tanking in side quests over video games then somehow scoring wins over Rey Mysterio in between?! The booking is all over the place.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.