5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (April 16)

1. No Edge Or Daniel Bryan Fallout

Edge Roman Reigns Daniel Bryan

Where were these guys?

Edge and Daniel Bryan were completely absent from SmackDown, which was a disappointment. The pair were two-thirds of 'Mania 37's main event last Sunday night, but WWE couldn't find anything for them to do on the next fallout episode of TV? Come on.

There's no excuse for failing to line up some pre-recorded "on location" comments from Edge, at least. His obsession with becoming Universal Champion had been a weekly highlight since he won the Royal Rumble in January. Now 'Mania is out the way, that journey apparently doesn't matter anymore.

Bryan's absence is less egregious. He's more of a utility player than Edge is these days anyway, and he will slot neatly into another story more easily. Fingers crossed these guys were only off telly because WWE are readying a spin off feud between them.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.