5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 2 - Results & Review)

3. Zero Interest In Seeing This Match Again

Austin Theory Kevin Owens

Owens needs to have a word with someone behind the scenes and get them to stop booking him in matches vs. Austin Theory. In fact, tell creative to quit it with this humdrum feud generally, because it's been a stinker and helped exactly no-one. This week's show provided another example of why it's got to go.

KO shouldn't be having by-the-numbers, boring matches on TV. He just shouldn't.

Honestly, WWE might have to turn Theory babyface on Grayson Waller soon to salvage anything out of their act. The team's going nowhere anyway, and this was yet more proof that fans don't give a toss about whatever they're supposed to be doing. What happened to all that momentum Austin once had?!

The match here was 10 minutes of so-so work. It doesn't sit well to say something like that, 'cause every wrestler puts a shift in, but it'd be a lie to say any of this was thrilling whatsoever. Please, for the love of God please, stop booking KO and Theory/Waller together.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.