5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 2 - Results & Review)

2. EEK!

The Final Testament Karrion Kross Paul Ellering Scarlett AOP

This viewer watched through cracks in his fingers as The Final Testament were slapped around by Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits because ex-Hit Row member B-FAB saved the day. Karrion Kross and mates looked weaker than they did going in, and everything is too 50/50 to really get anybody over.

Start getting worried for the heels.

WWE better be very careful with Testament. Getting them over is surely the main point of this feud with The Pride, but it looks like creative fancies spinning the rivalry out week after week without actually achieving anything. It's one step forwards and two steps back kinda stuff, and that won't cut it.

So, will it be Lashley, The Profits and B-FAB vs. Kross, AOP and Scarlett at Elimination Chamber? Or, will the writers try to keep this going until WrestleMania and pay it off there? Is that even possible without making the heels look even weaker? Remains to be seen.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.