5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 2 - Results & Review)

4. A Fine Debut

Tiffany Stratton Michin

Michin isn't over, and it'd be a lie to suggest she is. However, she was the ideal opponent for main roster newbie Tiffany Stratton on this week's SmackDown - Michin bumped nicely for the ex-NXT star, and basically made Tiff look like a million bucks throughout their seven-minute scrap.

That'll do for starters, as they say.

Of course, Stratton will require a bit of seasoning as time goes on. She'll need to cut a few promos to properly introduce her stuck-up character to casual fans who don't watch NXT or know much of anything about her, but those are surely incoming. The best is yet to come, put it that way.

This match vs. Michin was a fine enough in-ring intro without going overboard or showing everything Stratton can do. It was a routine win, but that's all Tiffany needed to get things kicked off. You're probs looking at someone who will dominate this division within 12-18 months.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.