5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 2 - Results & Review)

3. SmackDown's New Commentary Team

Corey Graves Wade Barrett WWE SmackDown

Right, quick round of applause for these gents.

Corey Graves and Wade Barrett were in a tricky spot on SmackDown. Both are well-versed in playing the heel role on commentary, but WWE's recent announce team reshuffle meant one of them would have to fill the play-by-play chair. That fell on Graves more than Barrett, and he did well with it.

WWE commentary has noticeably loosened since Vince McMahon vanished from Gorilla and no longer barks at his narrators through their headsets. It's clear to see that guys like Michael Cole and Graves are having fun again. Here, Corey and Wade showed off a good level of chemistry and clear promise as a double act.

They were under a bit of pressure this weekend. The Rock was returning for a WrestleMania bombshell, and there were a lot of other moving parts with the Damage CTRL split, NXT debuts etc. Well played, lads. You'll make a great team going forwards.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.