5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (May 14)

3. An Unnecessary Add-On

Rey Dominik Mysterio Dolph Ziggler Robert Roode Dirty Dawgs

What was up with this? Dolph Ziggler totally ignored his loss to Dominik on last week's episode during his follow-up match with Rey, then both he and Robert Roode approached the father/son combo backstage like they were bossing it. They're...not. In fact, the Dirty Dawgs should be humbled.

Dolph should not have been so cocksure and arrogant after his second "surprise" loss in a row. WWE kinda' made the guy look like a tool by pretending that a defeat the entire viewership literally just witnessed hadn't happened at all. It's also weird that neither Rey nor Dom brought their respective singles victories up.


If anything, this short promo needed to go down before the Rey vs. Dolph match. By formatting it this way, WWE made the convo look unnecessary, and committed the cardinal booking sin of rubbishing a bout's purpose immediately.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.