5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (May 26)
1. The Production
Poor production is obviously not something anyone could accuse WWE of regularly. Their production staff are wonderful, and they drum up some of the best techniques, video packages and graphics money can buy. However, these pre-taped episodes? A real problem for production.
Something was off on Friday's show.
SmackDown was already on tape, so production went hard on canned crowd noise. The boos, in particular, were very annoying and obvious. Can someone suggest maybe...using more than one sampled sound effect to shake things up a bit? That, "OOOOOWAAAAH" cheering sound has always been irritating too.
Remember how awesome and lively Puerto Rico was for Backlash earlier this month? Yeah, SmackDown in South Carolina didn't have that same sort of buzz. An already-quiet crowd sitting through a marathon taping didn't lead to much natural atmosphere, so WWE went canned.
Pity it always sounds so forced and fake.