5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 18)

2. One Step Closer To A Classic


Look, Braun Strowman is probably winning the SmackDown World Cup and bagging a match vs. GUNTHER for the IC belt. WWE dropped heavy hints about that this week, but also kept a few others sniffing around too. Ricochet could upset Braun if Imperium gets involved, and Butch beat Sami Zayn.

That latter result was lovely.

A victory over someone the standing of Zayn is a very good sign that Triple H sees Pete Dunne as way more than Vince McMahon ever did. Maybe that's obvious to some out there reading this, but it's always questionable until what actually happens on TV backs it up. Never take anything for granted in pro wrestling!

Is it wishful thinking to start daydreaming about GUNTHER vs. Butch on WWE's main roster (for the Intercontinental Title, no less)? Possibly, and yet it's dangling right in front of everyone's faces. The fact that Butch is even in the semis is a major positive on its own.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.