5 Ups & 5 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (Dec 11)
4. The Worst Act In The Wednesday Night War Make An Appearance

Ironically, the groan that accompanies the Forgotten Sons sounds like the sudden realisation that you'd forgotten they exist, and just remembered that they exist. This act is awful. Irredeemably awful.
The Forgotten Sons are a literal punchline, only punchlines are amusing, and the Forgotten Sons are not a source of any discernible entertainment. The tone of the act, never mind the f*cking premise, is also garbage: they are shredded and colossal, but they are also jobbers. Jobbers are meant to look skinny and pitiful to enhance the stars in visual contrast. They're not meant to look like they can kick the sh*t out of you. NXT badly needs sentimental, plucky, maybe older hands for this function. Get Eric Bugenhagen or whatever they renamed on TV to get acts with potential over by having them beat the piss out of him. It's an NWA Powerrr act on NXT, it's not working, and it never will.
Anyway, here, the Forgotten Sons' Jaxson Ryker wrestled Travis Banks in a Worlds Collide preview, Banks' stuff looked like it barely connected, he stole one, it lasted about two minutes, and it was still offensive.