5 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (April 26 - Results & Review)

4. R-KO Is Happening

Randy Orton Kevin Owens R-KO

Look, some fans will be into this and that's fine, but there's always been something off about the banter between Randy Orton and Kevin Owens. Their awkward union created a strange dynamic to the build for a three-way vs. Logan Paul heading into WrestleMania, and that's continuing on into the summer months post-Draft.

On Friday, Randy helped Kev fend off The Bloodline, then the announcers told everyone Orton will be on 'The KO Show' next week. Last year, creative moved Owens away from Sami Zayn so he could be a singles again. Then, they had him wrestle tag-teams like Pretty Deadly and A-Town Down Under solo (?!). Now, he's right back in another team.

Your point, caller?

R-KO is a clever name, but if that's the only reason these dudes are teaming then forget it. They don't actually even have that much chemistry. Meh, maybe that's harsh and the tag deserves some more time in the oven. Kev and Randy are top workers, so perhaps they'll work something out and gel eventually.

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