5 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (April 26 - Results & Review)

3. Roman Reigns Is In Charge?

WWE Draft 2024 Roman Reigns

The Draft is supposed to empower decision makers to do what needs done and ensure Raw, SmackDown and NXT are equipped for the next 12 months. A knock-on effect of this is that wrestlers are powerless to do anything about the winds of change. Unless you're Roman Reigns, apparently.

Paul Heyman casually dropped into conversation that Roman had decided to withdraw eligibility for the 2024 Draft. So, that isn't up to Triple H or even the top brand GMs? Wrestlers can just elect not to be involved at all if they don't want to be? That's clumsy; why wouldn't more push that through if it was an option and they didn't want to move?

For example, if Drew McIntyre gets drafted to Fridays on Raw next week, he can kick up a stink and say he isn't going anywhere. Do WWE even realise how big of a gaping hole this blows in the entire purpose of this thing?! They've crapped their own pants with this clanger of a call.

Why not announce that Roman is ineligible ahead of time?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.