5 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 20 - Results & Review)

4. This Was A Bit Shaky

Rey Mysterio Logan Paul

Is Logan Paul about to become the new Ronda Rousey?!

OK, maybe not, but LP never really seems comfortable cutting these in-ring promos. Dude has bags of personality, and he's really good at this wrestling stuff, but yeah - he's definitely unconvincing at best on the mic more often than not, and that's something Paul will need to work on.

Rey Mysterio helped pick things up a bit, to be fair. One thing became clear throughout: This face-to-face was a necessary evil to get a match in the ring at Crown Jewel. At least everyone knows these two will make magic together when the bell rings, and putting the United States Title on Logan isn't a bad plan.

His celebrity means more eyeballs for WWE, and you just know Paul would carry that belt everywhere. It's really a no-brainer, but he will need to brush up on promos. Things were a bit shaky on SmackDown, and that isn't an isolated incident.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.