5 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sept 11)

1. Taking Money From The Bank

The Miz Otis MITB

Stop the pain!

This lunchbox guff involving Otis, Tucker, The Miz and John Morrison needs to end. Not only is it an awful misuse of Otis (this guy was red hot just a few months ago), it's also insulting to long-term viewers who know how WWE's Money In The Bank gimmick works by now.

Miz and Morrison claim they can get lawyers to amend the MITB contract so they, not Otis, get a guaranteed Universal Title shot somewhere down the line. What? Since when was something like that even hinted at during the gimmick's 15 year run? It's all just so nonsensical.

Your writer was legit buzzing when JoMo rejoined WWE earlier this year and reformed his team with Miz. Sadly, they've been limited to rotten comedy skits, awful feuds (like the one with Braun Strowman) and they stink up the show whenever they appear.

Otis deserves better.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.