5 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sept 11)


5. Sami Zayn's Interference

Sami Zayn AJ Styles

Having a determined heel around who isn't always a goof is nice, and it's why Sami Zayn has become a regular in the 'Ups' section. He's entertaining, delusional without being totally wrong and will do anything he can to ensure that neither Jeff Hardy nor AJ Styles succeed.

There's a cool blend of alignments here; Jeff is the only babyface, but he's not the only one fighting. Sami and AJ are at war too, and it was Styles that Zayn attacked first on SmackDown. He pulled AJ off the ring apron to be a menace, and then focused his attentions on Hardy.

Great stuff.

This should lead to a three-way involving the trio, and that's something to look forward to. It's 100x more interesting for Clash Of Champions than Bayley vs. Nikki Cross is, for example. There's at least some intrigue to this one. Fingers crossed AJ introduces his own IC belt for a laugh.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.