5 Ups & 6 Downs From AEW Dark (Sep 22)

Another show, another must-see Ben Carter match. This is becoming a habit.

Eddie Kingston Lucha Brothers

AEW Dark was thrust into the unfortunate position of being the second most interesting show on a night that saw the promotion release the one-hour Late Night Dynamite special just after midnight. This was a pre-emptive measure to combat an NBA playoff series between the Houston Rockets and Los Angeles Lakers potentially going to a seventh game, and yielded a fun, breezy hour of wrestling on TNT, highlighted by Ben Carter further establishing himself as a can't-miss prospect.

Mr. Carter was on fire again here, albeit on an entirely different show.

This was a sluggish episode of Dark. One could probably glean this from looking at the 11-match card and 90-minute runtime alone, though this one was extra stodgy, with little to differentiate most of the squashes. Cherrypicking is therefore essential on a show designed to highlight Ricky Starks, Eddie Kingston (and his entire stable), two Dark Order tag teams, Serena Deeb, and more.

A reminder of the usual Dark Ups and Downs system: an Up is worth watching regardless of investment levels, while a Down should only be checked out if you're into the spotlighted performer. Let's light the fuse...

Channel Manager
Channel Manager

Andy has been with WhatCulture for eight years and is currently WhatCulture's Wrestling Channel Manager. A writer, presenter, and editor with 10+ years of experience in online media, he has been a sponge for all wrestling knowledge since playing an old Royal Rumble 1992 VHS to ruin in his childhood. Having previously worked for Bleacher Report, Andy specialises in short and long-form writing, video presenting, voiceover acting, and editing, all characterised by expert wrestling knowledge and commentary. Andy is as much a fan of 1985 Jim Crockett Promotions as he is present-day AEW and WWE - just don't make him choose between the two.