5 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE Raw (July 4)
4. Supporting Cast Member
One could do without anymore chatter about The Miz's balls. It's a paper-thin joke that barely raised a titter when Maryse was around on Raw, and it shouldn't be a recurring theme in his promos any longer. Worse, all that literal b*llocks set up a six-minute shorty between Miz and AJ Styles that felt like a waste.
This was too brief to really mean anything.
Ciampa coming under Miz's wing deserves a chance, sure, but WWE dropped a clanger by portraying the former NXT man as someone who can't even ambush others properly; Ciampa attacked AJ, then started getting his ass kicked before Miz stepped in to save his bacon.
If the writing team believe positioning Ciampa as a dude who's only there to play supporting cast member to Miz is the way to go, then they're in for a rude awakening. Perhaps that's harsh on Miz, but it just would've been nice to see Ciampa hold his own.