5 Ups & 7 Downs From WWE Raw (Aug 16)
3. Can’t Go It Alone
WWE is so bad at telling actual stories in the ring that when they do something right, even something basic, it deserves credit. Talk about grading on a curve.
Riddle and AJ Style squared off in a one-on-one match that saw the Original Bro try to overcome an attack on his knee and finally be poised to win, only for Omos to distract him. But unlike last week, when Riddle took out Omos to allow Randy Orton to beat AJ, the Viper was nowhere to be found, so Riddle was distracted and lost to Styles.
Just like that, it was abundantly clear that going it alone won’t work, so clearly they’d have to team up if they’re to be successful, even individually.
It’s a small thing, but we’re going to give credit here.