5 Ups & 7 Downs From WWE Raw (Aug 16)
5. You Big Tease
Let’s face it: One of the few interesting storylines on Raw these days is the “will they, won’t they” for RK-Bro.
So Randy Orton teasing staying with Riddle in his corner in his match against AJ Styles and then slowly walking out was just what was needed. Had this been a super-hot crowd, you might have heard the fans chanting “RK-Bro!” but WWE has managed to suck the life out of fans where they didn’t react how you’d expect or want them to.
But still, the entire tease with Riddle’s earnest efforts to win Orton over and Randy refusing to give in actually worked to open the show. It’s a weird, perverted deal where it shouldn’t click, but it does.