5 Ups & 8 Downs From AEW Dark (Aug 25)


5. Santana & Oritz vs. The Metro Brothers

Santana AEW

The Metro Brothers have worked a couple of guest spots in NXT over the past few years, though they've largely struggled to break out on the independent circuit between those, working primarily in the southern states. Here, Chris and JC were effective victims for Santana and Ortiz to run through.

The Inner Circle men are at their best when they get nasty. They didn't straight-up smash the Metros but they were solid throughout, cruising past them with minimal fuss en route to a quick, elevatory victory.

Channel Manager
Channel Manager

Andy has been with WhatCulture for six years and is currently WhatCulture's Senior Wrestling Reporter. A writer, presenter, and editor with 10+ years of experience in online media, he has been a sponge for all wrestling knowledge since playing an old Royal Rumble 1992 VHS to ruin in his childhood. Having previously worked for Bleacher Report, Andy specialises in short and long-form writing, video presenting, voiceover acting, and editing, all characterised by expert wrestling knowledge and commentary. Andy is as much a fan of 1985 Jim Crockett Promotions as he is present-day AEW and WWE - just don't make him choose between the two.