5 Ups And 1 Down From Last Night's NXT (Jul 15)


5. Once More, With Leeling

Kieth Lee Dijakovic

In theory, this should really be a down.

Kieth Lee and Dominick Dijakovic have been in the ring with each other a staggering 6 times in 2020 alone, with the former coming out on top every single time they've worked each other. That's not to include the innumerous segments, staredowns, promos and back pats they've also done together and, long story short, it had gotten very old very fast.

Following Dijakovic's on-screen congratulating last week, eyes immediately rolled at the prospect of yet another challenge being made between the two with Lee, yet again, emerging victorious. Yet there was something about the way they positioned this that made it work. A surprising sense of 'yeah, alright then, let's see it' which has been missing from the last few encounters.

Lee gave us a stirring (and loooooong overdue, really) speech about how no man is self-made, effusing praise upon his trainer Tim Brooks, who recently passed away at the age of 72. He also thanked the fans before turning his attention to the man with whom he's had the rivalry that made all of this possible. As a thank you, he offered him a title match Right Here, Tonight! and the match was set.

If this had been the other way around, if this had been Dijakovic insisting on this narrative and demanding an opportunity, it wouldn't have worked, but by having Lee go down this route still riding the crest of last week's wave... yeah, alright then, let's see it.

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