5 Ups And 1 Down From Last Night's NXT (Jul 15)


1. Daylight Roberty

Indi Hartwell

Gah! It pains me to smash the DownHammer into anything resembling Shotzi Blackheart (her whole schtick is such a popper, I'm sorry), and pains me even more to cast a cloud over Indi Hartwell's big moment but this whole idea was just backward. It feels like every time they take one step forward with the Robert Stone brand they then immediately run a tank over its legs.

The match, in isolation, was fine. The interference spot, in isolation, was ok as well. But the entire purpose of this whole gimmick is that Stone gets his clients opportunities they wouldn't otherwise be afforded and, correct me if I'm wrong, but "You broke my manager's leg! B***h!" is more than enough to necessitate a match between Aliyah and Blackheart.

This added step of costing her a fairly-standard TV match somehow managed to be reductive for all 3 women involved. Blackheart loses whatever momentum she had going into this, Aliyah looks like an idiot because the match was already in the pipeline, and Hartwell's big moment is entirely undermined by the assist she indirectly got. This was filler, pure and simple.

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