5 Ups And 2 Downs For WWE NXT (Jun 1)

2. Hartwell And LeRae Get Their Way

Hartwell NXT

Despite it looking as though the night's NXT Women's Tag Team spotlight was only going to be shone on more Dexter Lumis/Indi Hartwell lovesick nonsense for a spell - this time Lumis teared up at Hartwell's choice of heartbreak anthems - we luckily had some actual in-ring action to get stuck into later on. Fancy that.

Sure enough, the make-shift team of Zoey Stark and Zayda Ramier (both getting better with each subsequent showing) put on a satisfying encounter with Hartwell and Candice LeRae as the NXT Women's Tag Champs got in some reps before their next title defence.

The action going down in the ring wasn't exactly helped by the refusal to refrain from unpacking the ongoing Romeo and Juliet farce going on away from the contest, but everyone involved did their utmost to distract you from Beth Phoenix's obsession with In-Dex. A fiery Zoey Stark hot tag, involving a truly devastating enziguri on The Poison Pixie looked to swing the momentum in the faces' favour. However, one Wicked Savage tag team finisher later from The Way, and Hartwell and LeRae were celebrating another successful night in the office.

As always, more of this and less subpar soap opera crap, please.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...