5 Ups And 2 Downs From Last Night's NXT (Sep 23)

3. Who Is Ridge Holland?

NXT Ridge

Ridge Holland was given some much needed attention on this week's episode of NXT as the up-and-comer was gifted both a successful promo segment and no-nonsense squash match. Focusing on this past as a Rugby League player and growing up in his native Yorkshire, Holland came across like the sort of dude you would not want to be caught staring at.

This was then followed later on in the night by said squash match against an enhancement talent by the name of Antonia De Luca and it went exactly as you'd expect. The hulking star absolutely bullied his smaller foe and ragdolled his opponent around the ring throughout the brief contest.

There's no questioning that Holland still needs a lot more ring time before he can be considered a finished article, but the early signs look good for this mountain of Northern muscle. Feed him a few more jobbers over the next couple of weeks/months and he'll be ready to steamroll a Johnny Gargano or Velveteen Dream in no time.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...