5 Ups And 2 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (28 Oct)

1. Tag Match Of The Year

Hot. Damn. Find it, do whatever you can to track down Gable & Jordan vs Ciampa and Gargano, it's a pure wrestling fan's dream. Watching the two teams, both so over with the fans owing to their independent and amateur credentials, casually put on a match of the year candidate on regularly-scheduled programming was utterly exhilarating and, if NXT are smart, the first in a long rivalry to come. Booking doesn't have to be that hard really; find opponents who click in the ring, let them fight, charge for t-shirts. Easy peasy. Throughout the contest, which was a superb blend of mat wrestling and signature flair, the crowd was on fire, repeatedly chanting "This Is Awesome", "This Is Wrestling", and singing Gable and Jordan's name to Kurt Angle's theme music, possibly the highest accolade you can bestow upon a wrestler. As a foursome, the men had fantastic chemistry and, as the crowd bellowed last night, it won't be long before Gable and Jordan are "Future Tag Champs, clap-clap clap-clap-clap, Future Tag Champs". Seriously, watch it.
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Content Producer

Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.