5 Ups And 2 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (28 Oct)

2. Don't Forget About Emma

Why would Emma ever want to leave NXT, when they're so good to her? With the recent influx of charismatic and shocking women like Asuka and Nia Jax to NXT, and the ascension of Bayley and Bliss to main event status, fans might be forgiven for forgetting about Evil Emma. After a string of terrible fortune on the WWE main roster, Emma's never quite had the groundswell of support that she did in her bubbles 'n dancing days, and since her return to NXT there's been reason to fear that she made fade into the background there too. Thankfully, the bookers aren't about to let that happen. Emma looked great last night, exacting a clinical display of cruelty on new recruit and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls lookalike, Shazza. She stamped on her stomach, stepped over her fallen body with arrogant swagger, kicked her head into the mat before near-wrenching her half with the Emma Lock. She looked cold, aggressive and a force to be reckoned with. Unlike WWE, NXT are excellent at performing damage control to weakened stars and, with a wide pool of enhancement talent to pick from their stars should feel secure in knowing that the bookers have their backs and won't let them fade away. Except maybe Solomon Crowe. Seriously, what's going on with that guy?
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.