5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE UK Show

2. Down: B Shows Continue To Trump A Shows

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Is this a problem? WWE has got into the annoying habit of packing its supplementary shows full of stellar matches, built on well-developed feuds between competitors of equal standing, the bastards.

It won't have escaped your attention that things move a little more slowly on the main roster, where obvious adversaries are often kept apart until a Big Four show rides into town - leading to the occasional throw-away match, or event, in the interim (case in point: Orton vs Jinder).

It's just not exactly ideal that shows that play out in intimate, East Anglian sports halls appear to carry greater significance than those of sell-out mega-arenas. The alternative, though, is that we're left with literally nothing to chew on whilst we wait for our SummerSlam-sized main course to arrive.
