5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE UK Show

1. Down: Spoilers

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You can forgive WWE when pre-taped results are leaked onto the web by excitable fans, and - in their defence - with NXT: Chicago on the horizon, there's only so long you can keep things under wraps.

But knowing the outcome of the show's dual main events in advance undeniably took something away from the TV-viewing experience.

An obvious work-around would have been to show the event sooner and, to be honest, with a packed weekend of wrestling ahead, spreading shows around a little would have been a blessed relief to those of us planning to watch the lot of it.

If there's an upside, it's that - in much the same vein of English football's broadcasting rules (which stipulate that live games can't be televised on Saturdays between 3pm and 5pm; the Beautiful Game's "Prime Time") - it really underlines the importance of being there in person.
