5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (May 4)
6. No Way Out
The penultimate match of the broadcast featured the second NXT appearance of No Way Jose, who competed in a squash match against Noah Potjes (former WXW Heavyweight Champion Noah Kekoa, who was signed to NXT two years ago).
Jose was well-received by the fans, but the match was a flop. Squash matches are all well and good when it comes to displaying what talent can do, but Jose's fighting-dancing hybrid lends itself more to a competitive match where he can really play off his opponent. In this case, the newcomer seemed like he was cramming his entire gimmick into two minutes of action.
Thankfully, Jose has a new finisher. In his first appearance, he won his match with a punch, but this time, that punch was a set-up for a better signature move - he used a full nelson slam to score the pin. It's not much, but it's more creative than a punch.