5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (Nov 11)

4. Bayley Is On Fire

It was a real shame that the last image of Bayley last night was her left looking embarrassed because in the match itself she was ferocious. The crowd was behind her throughout, singing "heeeeey, we love you Bayley" with full-throat. She is the rare example of the humble babyface that works. Her struggles feel genuine and she comes across on camera as earnest, talented and, simply put, nice. She's the Daniel Bryan of the Women's division, and NXT should be making the absolute most out of her while she's white hot. Case in point, her delivering a Bayley-to-Belly to Murphy during the match. After Bliss scarpered with her belt, Murphy attempted to stop Bayley from leaving and she planted him to the mat, drawing a huge pop from the crowd. Intergender violence may not be palatable in most forms of today's WWE, but isolated moments like that go over beautifully with the fans, reminiscent of when Lita used to blow people away by aping the high-flying style of Essa Rios and the Hardys. Bayley's rolling right now, and deserves an angle that properly capitalises on that momentum.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.