2. Evil Joe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drTiuJLgpJo More simple storytelling from NXT. To close the show, Joe came out and cut a short promo that served to confirm his heel turn and outline his reasons for doing what he did. "Choices and actions" was the catchphrase and Joe's reasoning was concise and simple for the audience to follow. Balor offered me a shot, but did nothing to make sure I got it. Easy peasy. No mention of any Authority, no 15 minute grandstanding speech, just Joe saying "from the moment I walked into NXT, I was entitled a shot" then stepping back letting the audience boo him. Out came Finn and the fans were treated to a lovely little moment of violence. It's a very typical way of starting a feud - the villain cheating to gain up the upper hand before holding the title over the prone body of his foe - but executed to perfection and, in this example, a welcome change of tone from vanilla babyface Joe. Hopefully, this will be the start of his first memorable storyline with the company.