5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE Smackdown (Dec 22)


5. Ambrose Acknowledges Steel Cage Hurt

Throughout the program, WWE offered up a promo from each of the men involved in the main event Triple Threat Match for the Intercontinental Title. As the champion, Dean Ambrose talked to Renee Young first, and his promo came across extremely well. When he's allowed to just wax lyrical over his character and ongoing storylines, Ambrose is excellent on the mic. During his promo time, the 'Lunatic Fringe' spent some time talking about both Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler. It was acknowledged that both those men were a threat to the champ, but that he felt confident in taking on all comers. This is exactly the way Ambrose should be portrayed, as someone who welcomes a fight at the drop of the hat, even if he's at a disadvantage. Better yet, Ambrose even slipped in the fact that he was in pain from his Steel Cage war against Sheamus on Monday Night Raw. Too often, previous matches are disregarded on different programs, so this offered a nice degree of continuity. By the time Smackdown finished, Ambrose would have featured in 2 hard-hitting battles within the space of 24 hours. It was important that was mentioned, and it was.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.