5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE Smackdown (Dec 22)

2. Tag-Team Title Match Was Excellent

The New Day vs. The Lucha Dragons has been featured on WWE programming regularly over the past month or so. Both teams have faced one another a lot, including at the TLC pay-per-view (in a match also involving The Usos). On social media, it's notable that a lot of fans aren't complaining about the fact there are so many repeat matches. That's probably because they're so well-worked. Kalisto and Sin Cara deserve to be featured, because they really work well together a team. In The New Day, they've found a tandem they share brilliant chemistry with, and that came across on Smackdown. It wasn't cut and dried that New Day would escape with their WWE Tag-Team Titles, which only added some level of excitement to the bout overall. Most fans reasoned the heel team would win, but there were also questions over a possible title change due to Smackdown's network change upcoming. Around 13 minutes was the perfect length for a televised title match, there were no lulls in the action. WWE shouldn't give up on The Lucha Dragons following this loss, because they're a popular act with a lot of potential. It's pretty clear The Usos will be next in line for a shot at the belts, but Sin Cara and Kalisto have shown they are an important part of the tag division.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.