5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (Jan 7)


5. Big Tag-Team Match Was Harmless Fun

During the 'downs' from this week's Smackdown, Dolph Ziggler post-match antics were criticised. Something which can't be downplayed is just how good his performance was during the actual bout itself. Joined by R-Truth, Goldust and Neville, Ziggler played his part in making the 8-man tag-team affair a wholly enjoyable one. There wasn't much storyline development going on in this one, making it pretty much a throwaway encounter. That said, it was a cool one-off match that went around 10 minutes. This meant the action never had the chance to drag, but it wasn't exactly over in a flash either. WWE will probably keep this kind of formula for Smackdown going forward. The New Day's push has stalled a little, even though they remain WWE Tag-Team Champions. Xavier Woods, Big E and Kofi Kingston aren't winning a whole load of matches, and that trend continued on Smackdown. Ziggler picked up the win for his team, pinning The Miz. For what it was, this was entertaining. It was instantly forgettable, sure, but the live crowd seemed into it.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.