5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (Jan 7)

4. Kalisto Gets A Huge Win

Recent online reports have suggested that WWE officials think Kalisto is too small to be on the receiving end of a sustained push. If true, the writing team should be ashamed of themselves. After all, the company have been crying out for a high-flying masked man to impress since the end of Rey Mysterio's run with the organisation. Kalisto is just the ticket. Right now is the perfect time for Kalisto to shine. His regular tag-team partner, Sin Cara is currently on the injury list, so WWE should be experimenting with what one half of The Lucha Dragons can achieve on his own. On Smackdown, he was handed a big win over Alberto Del Rio, albeit in a non-title contest. The best part was that heel arrogance led to Del Rio's downfall. It would have been easy to book some John Cena interference for the match, but it was smart of WWE to steer clear of that. Instead, the United States Champion elected to mock Cena, something which ultimately led to his defeat. Kalisto is exciting inside the ring, but it's important that WWE follow up properly on big wins such as these.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.