5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (March 10)

5. Opening Tag-Team Match Hits The Mark

Sami Zayn Kevin Owens The Miz Neville
For as long as most can remember, Smackdown has been the unofficial home of the tag-team match in WWE. It seems like a week can't go by without at least one bout of multi-man action, which isn't a problem when the quality is as high as it was on the latest episode of the program. Sami Zayn's recent return to action to confront Kevin Owens is refreshing. It's nice that WWE have continued to link the pair on screen together, recognising the amazing chemistry they have when working alongside one another. If they are heading for a WWE Intercontinental Title match at WrestleMania, most fans will have few complaints about the idea. On Thursday's show, Zayn teamed with Neville to face Owens and The Miz. This was born out of a well-received Miz TV segment, and was admittedly a match people could see coming a mile away. That doesn't detract from the quality, which was extremely high. Zayn and Owens were kept apart enough to maintain interest in their ongoing feud, and Zayn himself picked up the win. He wasn't the only one shining during this clash.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.